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 A network that would allow for students to interact and share resources. Sort of like Facebook but specific for students to share academic resources.
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Wiki So Far:

Over the course of this semester I have done a lot of research on Twitter and plan on creating a page for twitter or adding to the topic, which is currently under the social media page. In addition I would like to add some information pertaining to the privacy and security of the new media technologies that have become a part of our everyday lives. discussing things like Privacy Policies, PII, and more.

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is the distribution or providing access of digital media over the internet. P2P file sharing is the distribution of digital media among users without the need for a server, using peer-to-peer networking technology. An example of this sharing is BitTorrent, a site that allows users to upload and download large files. Another example of a P2P site is Napster, a site that operated in the early 2000s for sharing audio files. An ICT issue arises with P2P sites because many people use P2P sites to share pirated information.


With New Media people are posting more and more about their private lives online. People may not realize that their posts are insecure or what kinds of information they are letting out. In addition, because of the lack of privacy/security people may hesitate to post. This is very unfortunate as everyone deserves to have a voice and to have their voice attributed to them.


Because Baruch College is a commuter school there isn't as much community feeling as in other schools. I would recommend that Baruch use social media to create a community so that people can feel connected even if they are going home at the end of the day. I would also suggest that Baruch create a dynamic site in which students can anonymously rate professors (like ratemyprofessor). This would help the school know which professors are popular and what issues students are having. It would lend to more transparency within the school.

Creativity and New Media

I use open source images, song lyrics, TV quotes, and free to download fonts to create textual images. I always make sure to add a source for the text, and only use open source images even though I am not using my art for any commercial use. I think it is very cool that one can create using open source images and free fonts. It removes certain limits that may have been in place before. It is basically creating artwork with no cost for supplies.


New media fosters creativity in that it creates a place where people can freely share their new creations. In addition, as seen in the article 1+1+1=1: The New Math of Mashup by Sasha Frere-Jones, new media and new platforms give people a place to collect tools and media to create new and different things. The article speaks specifically to music mashups, however, the same can be said for still and moving images. There is a treasure trove of open source images that can be used by artists.